
We are a team of volunteer qualified Carpentries instructors dedicated to provide King’s College London research students and staff with basic coding and data management knowledge.

To this aim, we offer regular workshops on different coding languages, and software. All of our lessons involve live coding, so that the attendees can get hands-on experience and gain the basic understanding needed for them to keep exploring.

Our lessons are based on the material offered by the Carpentries, a volunteer project dedicated to teaching basic computing skills to researchers. You can read more about our experience delivering training courses in this blog post.

To get to know the team, please click here! Find here a list of past workshops, and have a look at some of the feedback we received, and at the the material we cover. Would you like to join one of our future workshops? Find more details here.

To get in touch, please send us an email to carpentries@kcl.ac.uk.