Our courses

[Git] | [R] | [Unix Shell]


The workshop is aimed at individuals who have no experience of version control but are familiar with the Unix shell. It will cover the very basic of version control, how to collaborate with other people, and how to interface ourselves with GitHub. More in detail, you will learn:


During this workshop, we will be using the Unix Shell to navigate the file system, create files and folders, and dialogue with Git. Please ensure that you are familiar with Unix commands such as pwd, ls, cd, cat, mkdir, and touch. You can refresh these commands using the following Carpentries’ material:


This workshop is aimed at individuals who have no experience of R. The course will cover some basics very basic concepts of working in R and R Studio, including:


There is no prerequisite for this workshop.

The Unix shell

The workshop is aimed at individuals who have no experience. It will cover very basic concepts, and more in detail, you will learn:


There is no prerequisite for this workshop.